London Dissertations offers the customers the perks of revision without any additional charges in case client is not satisfied with the provided work. Or in case, the client finds that the assignment is not fulfilling the needs of the task. The policy for the revision is very accurate and exact by which our writing teams provide an infinite number of revisions. This is only done when the dissertation does not match the criteria or fulfill the requirements of the assignment. Following are the specific terms and the conditions for the revision policy;

  • The guidance provided to the writer must be exact and clear for the changes required by the customer. This is necessary in order to make the amendments in assignments that can match the standards and satisfy the needs of the student. No changes will be made if the previous standards and the criteria are met.
  • On the other hand, the customer is requested to read the assignment thoroughly before agreeing with the delivered task. The request for the revision is accepted only within the 10 days of delivery, after that no revision requests are accepted.
  • The customer has to accept the revised task within a week, or else it will be perceived that no revision is needed and the revised assignment has been accepted by the customer.