Lengthy Academic Assignments and Academic Pressure
University assignments are usually very detailed and tricky and are based on lots of research. During student life, it becomes really hard for students to manage their time along with all of the other things. Student life is one of the most difficult phases of life in which a lot of things are gathered at one time and the student has to manage all of it and they also want to get the best out of it.
Most of the students are doing jobs while there are in university, they also want to spend some fun time with their friends and family, and they also have to manage their studies. The students want to socialize and interact with other people of their age, they see the students of their ages achieve different things in life, some of their fellows get married, some of them get a better job, some start their business, etc. In short during student life, you have to go through a lot of phases and you see a lot of people of your age doing different things.
You also wish to get hold of your time and do all of the pending things that you were wanting to do for a very long time. However, due to lots of assignments, projects, and research work you are not able to fulfill your wishes, and most of your time is spent doing the assignments. Due to all of the aspects and everything going around students usually get stressed and fail to do time management.
University Assignment Writing Services
Students receive a lot of assignments including various projects, research work, case studies, presentations, reports, group projects, thesis work, dissertations, etc. It is extremely important for the students to give the best assignments as it is going to affect their grades. Giving the best assignments is going to increase their credibility. During tough assignments, students take help from university assignment writing services so that they can manage other things with the assignments too.
Dissertation Writing Services
One of the toughest assignments can be of writing Dissertations. Dissertations are usually very lengthy. They can range from 5000 – to 8000 words while a Master’s dissertation can range from 10,000 – to 15,000 words long. A dissertation is basically a long formal piece based on original research and on a particular subject that a student might have selected. A dissertation can be a part of a Ph.D. or Master’s degree and can also be a part of a bachelor’s degree. It is usually very intimidating and can take a long time to complete.
Structure of a Dissertation:
Students hire people to write their dissertations for them. The structure of a dissertation includes:
- Review of Literature.
- Methodology (Research Design & Methods)
- Presentation of Research (Results)
- Summary, Implications, Conclusions (Discussion)
Cost of Writing Your Dissertation:
The cost of writing a dissertation depends upon the time period you are going to give the writer and the quality of the dissertation.
The London Dissertations UK offer the following time period in which they are going to write the dissertation:
- 2 Months
- 30 Days
- 20 Days
- 10 Days
- 7 Days
- 5 Days
- 3 Days
- 48 Hours
The quality and the cost of a Dissertation also depend upon the following aspects:
- The writer’s background
- The experience of the writer
- For which academic level is the dissertation being written
- The number of pages/ words
- Plagiarism check
- Additional Add-ons
- Proof-read by an editor
- Number of sources
- Advanced Plagiarism
Cost of Dissertation Writing:
- The cost of Standard Dissertation writing starts from around $18 to $29. Depending on the time frame that has been given.
- The cost of Advanced Dissertation writing starts from around $21 to $32. Depending on the time frame that has been given.
- The cost of Premium Dissertation Writing starts from around $23 to $36. Depending on the time frame that has been given.
- It can cost around $205 to $1100 for a 10,000-word dissertation.
- The editing of the dissertation can cost around $265
- The proof-reading of the dissertation can cost around $212
- The price of a Ph.D. dissertation costs around $882 – $4620. The editing of it may cost around $500 or even more than that.
Is It Illegal To Use Dissertation Writing Services?
It is not illegal to hire someone to write your dissertation. Tons of assignments, classes, jobs, social life, and keeping yourself healthy can be very tiring and difficult it becomes extremely difficult to manage time and do stress management. Hiring someone to relieve some of your work is completely fine.
Important Things to Consider:
When you have decided to pay a writer to write your dissertation, make sure that you select someone who is reliable. Go to a reliable source, and do not trust just anybody. Make a wise decision as your academic reputation is going to be dependent upon that dissertation.
A badly written dissertation can bring failure and you may get degraded. Check the review of the website and check the portfolios of the writer for complete satisfaction. By searching keywords like write my dissertation for me, dissertation writing services, dissertation writing services reviews, dissertation writing near me, etc you can find websites and can select from those websites which of them are the best and reliable enough to do the task.
Make sure to hire someone at least 1 to 2 months prior to submission. This is going to allow you to pay less as there is going to be time for the writer to write. It also allows you to check the quality of the dissertation and review it. It gives you time to make changes. If you hire someone just a few days before submission you would have to pay higher as the task has to be done in a limited time period.
Lastly, don’t go for click baits and trust websites that are offering cheap rates. Do not risk your academic credibility for cheap prices.